Parent Partnership

Our nursery recognises parents and carers as the first and most important educators of their children. All of our staff see themselves as partners, with our parents and carers in providing care and education for their child. We ensure that parents and carers are given every opportunity to talk to staff and the Key Person at the nursery.

There are many ways in which parents and carers can find out how their child is progressing:

Settling In

We want your child to feel happy and safe with us. To make sure that this is the case, our staff will work with you to decide how best to help your child settle into the nursery.

We recognise every child’s individuality, efforts and achievements and believe that relationships between adults and children are crucial for the child’s happiness and security.

The Key Person approach reassures the child to feel secure and cared for, helping them to become familiar with the nursery environment and to feel confident and safe within it. They are in the best position to understand your child’s individual needs and to share information with you about your child’s experiences in the nursery. The Key Person will help your child to develop relationships with other members of staff and children. They will observe them in their play so that they can plan future opportunities and experiences that best meet their needs and interests.

Your child’s Key Person will be the person who works with you to make sure that what we provide is tailored to meet your child’s individual needs and will engage and support you as parents or carers in guiding your child’s development at home and will help you to engage with more specialist support, if appropriate.

Your Child's progress

We assess how young children are learning and developing by observing them. We use  this  information gained to assess their progress and where this may be leading them.

We believe that parents and carers know their children best and we ask them to contribute to their progress by sharing what their children like to do at home and how they, as parents, and carers are supporting development.

Two Year Progress Check

The Key Person will produce a short written summary of your child’s development at 27 months covering the three prime learning and development areas of the EYFS.

The Key Person will use the information from ongoing observational assessments carried out as part of our everyday practice, taking account of the views and contributions of parents and carers and any professionals involved. This progress check is shared by parents and carers with Health Visitors and other professionals.

Kamelia Kids Day Nursery & Beach School
Wellesley Avenue
Goring by Sea
West Sussex
BN12 4PN