Eligible families of 9-month-olds can receive funding to support up to 570 hours of childcare each year from the start of the term after they turn 9 months old. Please visit www.childcarechoices.gov.uk to check your eligibility and for details on how to apply.
Eligible families of 2-year-olds can receive funding to support up to 570 hours of childcare each year from the start of the school term after their second birthday.
To be able to take up 15 hours of free childcare for your two-year-old you or your child must meet the eligibility criteria. There are two sets of eligibility criteria for the 2-year funding.
All 3- & 4-year-olds automatically receive funding to support up to 570 hours of childcare each year from the start of the school term after their third birthday. You do not need to apply for this funding
Eligible 3- & 4-year-olds can receive funding to support up to 1140 hours of childcare each year from the start of the school term after their third birthday. Please visit www.childcarechoices.gov.uk to check your eligibility and for details on how to apply.
Your child becomes eligible for funding from the start of the term after they reach the eligible age.
A child born on or between: |
will be eligible for funding from: |
1 April and 31 August |
The start of the Autumn Term following turning 9 months old, 2 years old, or 3 years old |
1 September and 31st December |
The start of the Spring Term following turning 9 months old, 2 years old, or 3 years old |
1 January and 31 March |
The start of the Summer Term following turning 9 months old, 2 years old, or 3 years old. Please note the Summer Term starts the week after the Easter Holidays |
It is important to know when Headcount Day is each term, as children in receipt of funding must be in attendance by this date to access any funding for that term. The only exception to this is for Local Authority funded 2-year-olds (those issued with a 6-digit eligibility code) who can start at any point during the term. Headcount Days are usually towards the end of Janaury, April and September. These dates are set by West Sussex County Council.
If your child joins Kamelia Kids after the week of Headcount Day, the nursery cannot claim any until the following term (unless they are Local Authority funded 2-year olds with a 6 digit eligibility code). Any sessions will be charged at our unfunded rates until the funding starts, or you can choose to delay the start of your child at our nursery until the beginning of the next term.
Once your child is using their funded hours, if you choose to increase your child’s hours after Headcount Day, any increases to the funding cannot be made until the start of the following term.
The standard 15 or 30 hours funding is usually spread over 38 weeks of the year. We can stretch our funding over the 51 weeks that we are open for children that attend Full Year to apply up to 11 or 22 hours funding over 51 weeks of the year. This means it is applied more consistently over the course of the year.
Families in receipt of funding will be asked and sent a link to complete an online FE Parent Declaration Form via Funding Loop. We are unable to make any funding claims without this form. We will ask you to complete a new form if any of your circumstances change (e.g. new address, change to sessions, change from 2-year-old funding to 3-year-old funding).
What does this funding cover the cost of?The money we receive for the funding from the Government is intended to cover the cost of childcare and the delivery of the Early Years Foundation Stage only. In reality, the funding we receive is a lot less than what it costs for the nursery to deliver the childcare itself, let alone the cost of any overheads such as consumables, cleaning costs, food etc. It therefore does not cover the cost of a range of other services that our nursery provides. These include, but are not limited to:
We are dedicated to supporting families and giving every child the best possible start in life. It is our mission to enable young children to thrive in a learning and caring environment, therefore, to support eligible families who would not normally have the opportunity to access quality childcare, we are able to offer 1 Funded Only space to 9 months old up to 15 hours funded childcare for working families, 8 Funded Only spaces to families in receipt of 2-year-old FE and 24 Funded Only spaces to families in receipt of 3- & 4-year-old FE (Universal or Extended). These spaces are allocated on a first come-first serve basis, with priority being given to Children We Care For (children in foster care).
Our Funded Only spaces are offered over a Term Time Only (38 weeks) or stretched (51 weeks) basis. Please discuss with us to on how best to maximise your funding, subject to availability.
Our Funded Only sessions include nappies, wipes, nappy cream, sun cream, resources, outings, snacks and afternoon tea (where applicable).
Fees include food, nappies, wipes, nappy cream, sun cream, resources and outings.
Sessions |
Maximum funded hours per session |
Cost per session after funding* |
Morning(includes breakfast) |
8am-1.30pm | 3 hours | £26.60 |
Afternoon(includes tea) |
1.30pm-6pm | 3 hours | £18.15 |
Short Day(includes breakfast & tea) |
8am-4.30pm | 6 hours | £34.10 |
Full Day(includes breakfast & tea) |
8am-6pm | 6.5 hours | £37.07 |
Early Breakfast |
7.30am-8am | n/a | £6.50 |
*Assuming maximum funded hours per week has not been reached. Once maximum funding per week has been reached, fees will be charged at the proportional cost as per the above table or as a standard session cost, whichever is the cheaper.
A non-refundable registration fee of £80 per child will be charged unless the child is accessing Funded Entitlement (FE) sessions only. If siblings are registered with us at the same time and attend the same sessions, we will only charge one initial registration fee.
There is no registration fee required for totally funded places.
7.5% discount off nursery fees for full-time attendance – Monday-Friday 8am–6pm
5.0% discount off nursery fees for full-time attendance – Monday-Friday 8am-4.30pm
5.0% discount off nursery fees for siblings (discount will be added to eldest child)
4 weeks’ notice is required for permanent changes and must be agreed with the Nursery Management Team. Requests for changes to sessions should be made in writing to admin@kameliakids.org.uk for approval.
We understand that occasionally, it may be necessary to book ad hoc or emergency sessions. In all cases, these sessions which are subject to availability and should be made in writing to admin@kameliakids.org.uk at the normal session rate or £8.65 per hour, whichever is the cheaper. Payment is due as soon as approval has been given.
We are unable to offer any refund of fees in respect of sickness, holidays or other absences.
Fees are payable monthly in advance, on the first day of each month. A £15 charge will be applied to your account every 7 days that the bill remains unpaid. Failure to comply could result in sessions being suspended until payment is made.
Late pick up will result in a charge of £10 for every 15 minutes or part of.
Either party may terminate this agreement by giving 4 weeks’ notice in writing to admin@kameliakids.org.uk for approval, during which time the child may continue to attend the nursery. Please note you will be charged for the 4 weeks regardless of attendance.
Lunches are included in our session fees.
Families accessing Funded Entitlement Only sessions have the option to bring in a packed lunch for their child or order Zebedees hot lunches at an additional cost.